Women in Ministry, a Gospel Issue
It's almost time for our annual pastor's conference. This is the sacred moment where new ministers are ordained.
One of the questions that I often receive is, "Can women be pastors?" I answer with a bold and Biblical, "YES!"
This video provides an excellent overview of the discussion. The first misunderstanding that Dr. Wayman points out is that many people consider this a women's issue (or a feminist issue), when in fact, it is a Gospel issue. "When we realize it is a Gospel issue, it becomes a whole church issue."
Check out this video to learn why and how to understand this topic from a Biblical perspective.
See the source video and additional show notes here:
Ben referenced this book, "Ordaining Women" by B.T. Roberts. A foundational read on this topic.
For a deeper dive on this topic, check out the Seven Minute Seminary by Ben Witherington, where he offers more helpful historical background that is critical to properly interpreting these problem passages (Part 1 & Part 2).