The non-anxious leader

This interview with Max Lucado underscores some of the research I have been doing about leadership. Including the work from Friedman on the differentiated leader (also known as the non-anxious leader). See previous post on that topic here. The non-anxious presence of a leader is a foundational quality that creates a platform for influence. With God's help we can be a C.A.L.M. leader.
His four points1 from Philippians 4 are helpful:
(1) Rejoice in the lord;
(2) ask the lord for help;
(3) leave your concerns with God; and
(4) meditate on good things.
Lucado organized those ideas into the acronym:
Celebrate God
Ask God for help
Leave your problems with God, and
Meditate on good things.That gives the reader or listener an immediate tool to begin working on his or her anxiety.
Read the complete article here:
1 The four points from Philippians 4 and the corresponding CALM acrostic are quoted directly from the article.