Upside down leader

Pete Scazzero nails it with this article on the upside down (radical) leadership of Jesus.
Jesus chose the 'unschooled, ordinary' (Acts 4:13) men to be his core team. He invested deeply in a small group instead of playing to the crowd.
He clearly defined his boundaries and didn't allow 'people pleasing' to define his scope of leadership. He often withdrew to pray. He chose humility.
Jesus was a radical leader!
Check out Pete's complete article
In the article, Pete explores the radical leadership of Jesus and provides us with these five simple one-sentence prayers in response:
Lord, grant me grace to reject the temptations of going fast and big.
Lord, help me choose humility today.
Lord, teach me to not look at the outward appearance but to look at the heart as you do (1 Sam.16:7).
Father, give me the courage to follow you and not be sidetracked by any negative opinions from those around me.
Lord, help me to be a success by doing your will and trusting you with the rest.