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7 Simple Ideas for Daily Prayer

"Doc" (as his students call him) pulled together a simple list of for daily prayer. Although not profound, I found this list to be a good reminder to seek diversity in my prayer life. If not careful, I can find myself engaging in the same type of prayers - day after day.

In his blog post, Doc Reid invites us to pray prayers of:

Praise, Thanksgiving, Confession, intercession, Petition, Listening, and Consecration. Read how he unpacks each of them on his blog.

Is it a common list? Absolutely.

Could we benefit from incorporating all seven areas into our regular prayer life? I know that I could. I tend to focus on a few of them and underutilize others.

My prayer for you is that you would not just pray, but that you would develop a robust, vibrant and diverse prayer life.


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This website is my journal and personal observations on getting started, personal growth and finishing well.

The goal? To guide you in your faith filled, risk taking, passionate pursuit of Jesus.

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