My Hero

The Exponential Conference has the theme, "HeroMaker" for this year. That theme is generating a lot of conversation. I love the question that it forces us to ask. It's a question about our view of others, "Am I the center of the story?" In other words, "Am I the hero? Or is my goal to make a hero of someone else?" Donald Miller would call this person the 'guide'. Like Yoda to Luke Skywalker, the guide is making a hero of someone else.
In this article, Ralph Moore reflects on the unique characteristics of hero-making. His challenge to "Decide to brag on at least three people personally in the next seven days." AND "Make sure that half of your sermon stories are about people seated in front of you." serve as a good goal for me.
Telling someone else's story is a small step FROM being the hero (of every story) TO becoming a HEROMAKER. I believe this is what Paul had in mind when he commissioned us to, "equip the saints for works of service' and follow the example of Jesus who invested in 12 disciples who then took the spotlight in the birth of His church on earth.
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