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Disciples make the church (not the other way around)

I have been doing a lot of thinking on the topic of discipleship. Part of this thinking is born our of frustration of watching people attend church (for more than a decade) without producing a single disciple. Friends were made (close and really good friends); fellowship took place (we do life together); ministry unfolded (powerful ministry, including prayer and Bible study); and all types of Christian one-anothers were evident. As you can see, there was a lot of good stuff happening. But I'm also saying that I didn't see a lot of disciples (who made disciples) emerge.

I'm asking the question why? I'm asking the more person personal question, "Why did my disciples, not make disciples?"

At the same time I'm learning from guys like Bruce Bennet who has raised up hundreds of thousands of disciples who make disciples. Is that just the grace of God poured on his leadership? Or is it because he is singularly focused on leading people to ONLY do what Jesus commanded us to do, "Go and make disciples".

At the same time, we are starting churches out of our church. However, I'm wondering if we have the wrong terminology, because Jesus never told us to start churches. He said, "Make Disciples" and He promised that He would, "build the church".

In other words, I'm gaining a clearer understanding that we are not tasked with planting or starting churches. Actually, we are tasked with making disciples who make disciples. The result of that is a community of people all gathered around Jesus. That is the church. And that is how Jesus builds it.

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This website is my journal and personal observations on getting started, personal growth and finishing well.

The goal? To guide you in your faith filled, risk taking, passionate pursuit of Jesus.

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